I mentioned a while ago that I was a finalist in the Society of Garden Designers’ Awards in the Planting Design category; well I’m delighted to say that I won!

The ceremony was held in London on Friday, a bit of a glitzy do with champagne (I didn’t drink all of those…) and posh frocks.

This garden is featured in my portfolio section (WALLED) so I won’t say more about it now other than to indulge in a blatant bit of showing off in quoting the judges comments which included “Excellent seasonality. Overall a really good garden, not just great planting” and “Strong, structural design and wholesome planting. A strong winner” which is all good stuff!

We had the wonderfully irreverent garden designer and broadcaster James Alexander Sinclair to host the event. We were none of us immune to his gentle taunts and I’m not sure I’ll live down him describing me, as well as my planting, as ‘wholesome’!

It was great to meet up with old friends and to have a bit of a party – this is the lovely garden writer Darryl Moore. It’s a shame we have to wait a year before we can do it all again!
If you want to read more about it, have a look at a piece I have written on the awards for the Guardian blog where I manage to upset a few people who seem to think I am abusing plants!