I was honoured to be interviewed by Sussex Society at the end of last year and the article has now been published; you can pick up a copy of the magazine for free at many outlets across Sussex.
I was particularly pleased that this article was written and published through the winter months. It may sound strange, but winter is one of my favourite seasons in the garden (at least on the rare days when it’s either frosty or snowy) because it allows you to appreciate the structure and because I find the muted colours so appealing. As I admitted to Katy, the Sussex Society journalist, I’m not particularly fond of the colour green and think that grass, for instance, when it takes on the softer more yellow tints over winter, is a much more attractive colour than when it’s bright and harsh through the summer

That’s not to say that there isn’t a place for lawns in gardens – areas of visual calm are needed to counterbalance busier areas – and there is nothing lovelier than the fresh spring green of emerging leaves in April, but let’s not rush there too soon!
If you missed the magazine and would like to see the article, do email me and I’ll send you a pdf version.
In the mean time, you might be interested to read my earlier blog article on Why I Love Winter